Tag Archives: Lisa Loeb

Review: The Purple Tape

10 Mar

The Purple Tape, was originally released in 1992 as an independently recorded and distributed by Lisa Loeb. It was originally only available as a cassette that you could purchase directly from her from her shows before she was signed. While technically a self titled album, the Purple Tape got it’s nickname from the very purple cover art.

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9 Mar

“You say I only hear what I want to”

Sometimes once in a lifetime, you’re presented with an opportunity that can change lives, or in the case of Lisa Loeb, you can make history. Lisa Loeb is the only musician of all time to obtain a number 1 single without having first been signed a record deal. To put that into perspective, there are some bands who are wildly successful who have made millions upon millions of dollars who have never even had a number one single(KISS).

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Lisa Loeb March

1 Mar

I’m extremely excited about going to see Lisa Loeb on March 16 in Atlanta, GA. Therefore, I’m making March Lisa Loeb month. I’ll be posting articles about Lisa throughout the month. I’ll still be posting on other subjects, but I’m too excited about the show to not go on about Lisa. Keep reading!