Tag Archives: Bon Jovi

A World Without Heroes: Lisa Loeb

31 Mar

When I was growing up, I had a hard life. I don’t know if I can necessarily say that it was better or worse than anyone else’s. It was very hard for me, personally. It was very traumatic. There were not a lot of beautiful things in my life growing up. I had things that distracted me from the problems, chief among them were video games. As I started to get a little older, I began to get into music. One fateful day, I encountered this beautiful woman on the front cover of this very pink record, and it seriously changed my life.

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Vinyl Love

28 Feb

At present, I own right at 196, 33 1/3, vinyl LP records. It’s my favorite format for me to listen to music on. There’s something organic, and real about hearing it that way. Most of the time, unless you’re listening to something that’s quite new, that’s the way that it was intended to be listened to.

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