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22 Apr

I’m sorry that I haven’t been posting for a while.  Life has been kind of busy, and now I’m writing for a second blog!  I still have plenty of articles coming this way, plus anything that I post there, will also be available here after three days, so don’t worry.  You can find the second blog, Nerdgazm, here.  Hope that you enjoy it, and thank you again for your patience while I produce more content.

Thank you, Lisa

31 Mar

I just wanted to take the opportunity to show off my autographs from Lisa Loeb and to tell her thanks again.

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A World Without Heroes

31 Mar


This is such a lyrically simple song, but such a complex subject. Everyone has heroes. Everyone has someone they want to look up to, and emulate on some level. Everyone has someone who inspires them. Most people have a number of people who inspire them. This is what I’m going to be exploring in this feature, which will be ongoing. I’m going to talk about some of my personal heroes, the people I admire, look up to, and would like to emulate. Buckle up, and let’s take a look inside of me.


30 Mar

Today and tomorrow I’m going to do something a little bit differently from my norm.  I’m going to have a whole slew of articles that I’ve got coming up to wrap up Lisa Loeb Month.  I’ve got reviews for all of the rest of her records, and some other little articles that I’ve come up with.  This is all going to culminate into the new feature that I’m going to run, tomorrow evening.  I’m not going to say anything about it just yet, you’ll just have to wait and see.  Brace yourself and get ready for a whole lot of Lisa Loeb love!

I’m not done yet

27 Mar

Hello everyone.  … All three of you.  I haven’t posted in ten days, but that doesn’t mean that I’m abandoning my blog.  The past couple of weeks have been completely nuts.  I’ve experienced loss and experienced a dream come true.  I’ve also been working particularly hard at my paying jobs this past week.  We’re also potentially on the cusp of another great civil rights movement in the US.

So much stuff has been going on, I just can’t believe it.  I’ve been brain storming on new posts, and I’ve got a few.  I’ll finish up with Lisa Loeb month, including a new feature that Lisa will be the subject of in the first entry.  I’ll also be posting more on myself and my gender identity and the exploration of it.  I’ve got stuff coming soon, so don’t go anywhere.


13 Mar

I know that there have been a great deal of reviews on this site since I started it. I’d like to say that as I progress, the number of reviews will diminish, and the number of other types of articles will increase, but I can’t. I can’t do that because of the fact that we, as a whole live in a consumeristic society. A big part of human interaction is discussing the things that we’re in, and the things that we do. By no means am I going to ever stop watching movies, listening to music, or playing video games, so there will always probably be a fresh source for which I can draw upon for this kind of content. It’s always been said that you write about what you know. I know a great deal about these subjects, and I have a great deal of interest in them. The point of this blog is not the fact that I’m transgendered. It’s about the fact that I’m not different from everyone else. I’m going to keep posting about the things that interest me, and hope that people will keep reading.


4 Mar

February was a terrible month financially for me(It was a nightmare to try and spell it, too).  I don’t have Internet right now at home.  In addition to this, I’ve just suffered a loss in my family.  I’m probably not going to be able to update for at least the next few days.  Stay tuned, and thanks for reading.


Update, March 7:

I’m still without Internet at home.  Hopefully, I should have it back by this weekend.  When I have the opportunity, I’ll get back to Lisa Loeb month, and I’ll have a review of Disney’s Oz: The Great And Powerful soon, too.  I’ll post some articles that I have in backlog in the meantime.

Return of the Horror, Pre-Review: Metroid Other M

2 Mar

Can you guess what this is? It’s a hole in my wall. Those are my knuckle marks. In a fit of rage, I punched the wall hard enough to put this here. Do you want to know why? It was because of a game.

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Lisa Loeb March

1 Mar

I’m extremely excited about going to see Lisa Loeb on March 16 in Atlanta, GA. Therefore, I’m making March Lisa Loeb month. I’ll be posting articles about Lisa throughout the month. I’ll still be posting on other subjects, but I’m too excited about the show to not go on about Lisa. Keep reading!