2014: New Beginnings, Plans, and Aspirations

2 Jan

I know that I keep posting updates saying that I’m going to be getting back to this blog thing from time to time. I also know that I keep failing miserably at following up. I’m here to say now, that I fully intend to start releasing articles on a regular basis—in February. I’m going to take the month of January to write a bunch of articles, and build myself up a buffer. Starting on February first, I’ll have articles coming at a rate of no less than one ever other day. It’s a reasonable goal to shoot for, and I’m actually stating to look forward to doing the work required. If you’ve seen my stuff before, you know what to expect—LGBT stuff, atheist stuff, music stuff, video game stuff… You get the drift.

I’d also like to make an announcement. I am working on a comic. That is to say, and actual, honest to goodness comic book. I don’t know what kind of format it will be in—weather it will be in some kind of magazine form, or if it will be in a kind of graphic novel form. Considering the content, and the fact that I intend to release it commercially—likely independently, and given that it likely be a one-shot, I’m probably looking at a graphic novel format.

I’m not an artist, so don’t expect for me to be drawing anything. That aspect is being handled by a very dear friend of mine, and she’s a phenomenal artist. We’ve been working on the character bible, and have been discussing things like the designs and models of the characters. I’m not going to say what it’s about yet, but I will say that the subject matter is very near to me. I’ll have information up here as soon as it’s available.

I may also be working with another friend on a podcast. As of right now, I have no idea what kind of content I’ll be working on, or even if I’m concretely a part of the project at all. There are still some logistical things to work out, and I’ll have information on that as soon as it’s available, too.

I’m still working on writing my novels, and still intend to pursue a career in music. I don’t know weather I’ve mentioned these aspirations before, but if I write them here, they’re concrete, and I have something that I’ve publicly said, that I have to work to live up to. 2014 is looking to be a busy year, and if I do my shit right, I’m sure that it will be a rewarding year as well.

2 Responses to “2014: New Beginnings, Plans, and Aspirations”

  1. transiteration 01/03/2014 at 10:53 am #

    Looking forward to reading your posts!

    • taranavarro 01/03/2014 at 11:09 pm #

      Thanks! I’m already in the process of writing more, and I’m thrilled to be in the beginning stages of people actually noticing me!

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