Archive | February, 2013

Vinyl Love

28 Feb

At present, I own right at 196, 33 1/3, vinyl LP records. It’s my favorite format for me to listen to music on. There’s something organic, and real about hearing it that way. Most of the time, unless you’re listening to something that’s quite new, that’s the way that it was intended to be listened to.

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Transgendered Rock

27 Feb

I’m a singer, and the biggest thing that I want to do is to sing on stage. I’m a rock singer, and one of my biggest aspirations is to get up on stage and sing in front of people. I’m good, and I know that I can do it. All that it will take for other people to know that I can do it is the opportunity to do so. I have a problem, though, as I’ve already established, I’m transgendered.

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